“For 38 years, Dr. Freddy Kaye has provided enormous service to our patients, and to our physicians in residency training. His plan is evidence based, polished, and perfected over many years on the front lines. It is understandable, and it works. Like Dr. Kaye in person, this book is persuasive, motivating, and surely life changing for those who take it
to heart.”
After years of working, teaching and having a private practice (40 years) I am an EXPERT at one "thing"… HELPING PEOPLE LOSE WEIGHT and more than most, on a PERMANENT basis.
Losing weight may be difficult, but it is not particularly complicated. I am stunned by the number of expensive weight loss products and the diet books that confuse quick-fix dieting with permanent weight loss. The true answer to losing weight AND KEEPING IT OFF lies within our habits, behaviors, and lifestyle. An honest and basic guide is needed that you, the overweight person (I, too, have been there!), can follow and be motivated by, to finally bring your physical and mental quality of life to the level you desire.
Now I am not belittling any of the previous DIET books or methods, yet pick any diet or diet book and how many folks out there have been successful at long term weight loss? And yes, the more often you diet the less likely you are being successful.
I have counseled thousands of men, women, and children from a variety of income and educational levels and cultural backgrounds. I have worked with them on nutrition, weight loss, and the treatment of diet-related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. I have heard the stories. I have witnessed the challenges, and the successes of my clients on The Physician's Nutritionist.
So whether you are an overweight child, teen, young adult, middle age (whatever that is) or even a Baby Boomer (like me), my Program, The Physician's Nutritionist is a proven method of learning and accomplishing Permanent Weight Loss. Do IT for one month, one lousy month and find out. Learn how to lose weight. You'll be really glad you gave it that month.